Smarter, faster decisions with Spotfire®

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In 2020, just over two-thirds of business intelligence professionals considered Cloud BI to be “critical”—today, that number has increased to over 80 percent.

With a growing dependency on transactional data to make informed decisions, it’s essential your enterprise tech stack can keep up. Underpinned by countless cloud applications, it’s integral that BI be nimble enough to serve as a “decisions control hub” layer, adapting to capture insights across all of your business operations.

To have smarter, faster processes that lead to better insight, users need a visual analytics platform that can meet them wherever they are. A platform that is customizable and allows you to write seamless transactions to any cloud or on-premises application, directly from your data visualization.

With Spotfire solutions, you can mobilize and activate your tech stack to turn insights into action.

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